Metal interlocked gears, text What is conversion tracking?

What is Conversion Tracking?

Conversion tracking allows a business the chance to determine what happens after an ad is interacted with. Any of those actions, like purchasing a product or submitting a contact form, are considered conversions and can be done from within a Google Ads account. Depending on the needs or goals of a business, specific actions can be targeted and tracked to meet those goals or improve the business.

What Can Conversion Tracking Tell Me?

Using the insight from conversion data, a business can tailor their future campaigns to be more successful, as that data is the direct result of the current or previous campaigns. These data points can be used to make an informed decision, rather than taking any guesses.

Appealing keywords can draw the attention of possible customers while improving search engine optimization. If certain keywords are performing poorly, they can be updated along with any matching ad copy.

Depending on the goals a business has set, specific conversion tracking points can be focused on to measure performance. One of the conversion points that can be tracked is the number of app installs that occur. If the goal of the business is to increase app installs, the website can be tailored in a way where the app download is easy to find and easy to complete. The result of these actions can then be measured using conversion tracking points and allow insight into the interactions that occur.

App Store icon on iPhone

What Can Be Tracked?

The actions taken after an ad is clicked on is valuable to your business and can be tracked. What type of actions you wish to track is generally determined by your business goals.

  • Website Actions
    • This includes any actions performed directly on the website, like purchases or sign-ups.
  • Phone Calls
    • Phone calls can be made directly from an ad or mobile website, along with calling the number listed on the website and tracked.
  • App Actions
    • Tracking can capture the number of app downloads, along with any purchases or activity within the app.
  • Import
    • Processes by customers that begin online but are completed offline, are tracked through import. An example of this is when a form is filled out online, but the purchase is completed offline.
Woman at open laptop holding credit card

Using Google Ads with Google Analytics

When Google Ads is linked to Google Analytics, a business can understand the full picture from initial reactions of marketing campaigns to final action or purchase. The metrics that are generated inform a business of how a customer behaves once reaching a landing page from an ad.

  • Bounce Rate
    • Refers to the percentage of sessions that only visit one page or trigger only one event after an ad is clicked.
  • Average Session Duration
    • The average amount of time spent on a site, this number is measured in seconds.
  • Pages Per Session
    • Refers to the number of pages that are viewed per session on average.
  • % New Sessions
    • Shows an estimate of the number of sessions that are first-time visits.

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